Paintings + Drawings
1992 Chiaroscuro, London, UK
1993 WOAA,Bampton, Oxon,UK Visage, London,UK
1995/ 7/ 9/ 2000/ 02/ 04/ 06/ 09/ 12/ 14 The Ice House, Holland Park, London UK
1998/ 9/ 2001/ 02/ 04/ 05/ 07/ 09/ 11/ 14 /15 Barefoot Gallery, Colombo, Sri Lanka
1998 TAI Gallery, New York, USA
2002 The Hourglass Gallery, Hebden Bridge, UK.
2003 Apparao Galleries, New Delhi, India
2004 Apparao Galleries, Chennai, India
2006 RONA gallery, London W1
2008 Apparao Galleries, New Delhi, India
2011 I’m sorry, I’ve eaten all the peaches (with Elizabeth Porter) Artisan,London
2015 The Puca MacGuffin Theatre Company (with Elizabeth Porter) Artisan, London, UK
1993/ 4/ 6 Summer open, Royal Watercolour Society, Bankside Gallery, London, UK
1995 Group show, Michael Parkin Gallery, London, UK
1995/ 6 Leighton Open, Leighton House, London, UK
1997 Summer Exhibition, Mercury Gallery, London, UK
1997/ 8/ 9/ 2000/ 07 Group Exhibition, East West Gallery, London, UK
1998 Sally Hunter Gallery, London, UK Cheltenham Open, Cheltenham, UK
2000/ 04/ 05/ 06 Affordable Art Fair- London, Various galleries
2001/ 05/ 06/ 13 Sunday Times Watercolour Competition, Mall Galleries, London + touring venues
2005 The Sacred Feminine, Apparao Galleries, New Delhi, India
2009 First Colombo Biennale, Colombo Sri Lanka
2011 Lovely Summer Sunshine Time, Royal College of Art, London
2013 Unhurried Groundswell,Barefoot Gallery, Colombo, Sri Lanka (with Mariah Lookman, Muhanned Cader + Elizabeth Porter
2013 Undercurrent, Crypt Gallery,St Pancras Church, London